

Thursday, May 20, 2021

When Blacks people was not allow in the caucasan, society, they created their own communities. Communities that thrived, built, created life for themselves. But, that wasn't good enough. They came with their hoods, they came with their guns, they came with their hatred......they came........murdered. Why?, you didn't want them in your world, why did you violate, burned, lynched, and murdered in their world......PAY-UP!!!!!!!!!!


Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors Recall Century-Old Horrors During Congressional Hearing

Nina Golgowski
·Breaking News Reporter, HuffPost
·4 min read

Centenarians who survived the 1921 destruction of a thriving Black district in Tulsa, Oklahoma, told members of Congress at a hearing on Wednesday that they are still waiting for justice.

“By the grace of God, I am still here. I have survived. I have survived to tell this story,” Lessie Benningfield Randle, 106, said in front of the House Judiciary’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee. “Hopefully now you all will listen to us while we are still here.”

The hearing was timed to align with the centennial of what’s known as the Tulsa race massacre, in which a white mob leveled a Black community called Greenwood in May 1921, razing businesses, killing an estimated 300 Black people and leaving another 10,000 homeless.

Randle was one of three survivors to speak about the atrocities and is part of a reparations lawsuit filed last year against the city of Tulsa, the county of Tulsa, the state of Oklahoma, and the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce for the two-day attack.

Hughes Van Ellis (left), a World War II veteran, is seen testifying with Viola Fletcher (center), the oldest living survivor of the Tulsa race massacre. (Photo: JIM WATSON via Getty Images)
Hughes Van Ellis (left), a World War II veteran, is seen testifying with Viola Fletcher (center), the oldest living survivor of the Tulsa race massacre. (Photo: JIM WATSON via Getty Images)

“They murdered people. We were told they just dumped the dead bodies into the river. I remember running outside of our house, I just passed dead bodies. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I still see it today in my mind, 100 years later,” Randle said.

Viola Fletcher, 107, was 7 years old when she and her family were forced to flee their home as a racist mob descended upon them in the night, she said. Her brother Hughes Van Ellis, a 100-year-old World War II veteran who served in an all-Black unit, joined her in offering testimony.

“We had great neighbors and I had friends to play with. I felt safe. I had everything a child could need. I had a bright future ahead of me,” Fletcher said. “Within a few hours that was gone.”

Viola Fletcher testified before the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee hearing called "Continuing Injustice: The Centennial of the Tulsa-Greenwood Race Massacre" on Wednesday. (Photo: JIM WATSON via Getty Images)
Viola Fletcher testified before the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee hearing called "Continuing Injustice: The Centennial of the Tulsa-Greenwood Race Massacre" on Wednesday. (Photo: JIM WATSON via Getty Images)

“I will never forget the violence of the white mob when we left our home. I still see Black men being shot, Black bodies lying in the street. I still smell smoke and see fire. I still see Black businesses being burned. I still hear airplanes flying overhead. I hear the screams,” she said. “I have lived through the massacre every day. Our country may forget this history but I cannot.”

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