Sixteen years ago today, America got the first of would-be the beginning of a series of attacks acoustic to them by extremists who are willing to wage a war against the American nation. The horrible attack of 9/11 would take more than the lives of those who were unfortunate, at that time, to be at the world trade center. It would forever leave a disabling effect on those who responded to the emergency call ( 911, the emergency communications network establishes several years earlier to help those in need ) but on the lives of those who would lose Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Children, Friends, co-workers, forever. This nation, taken from the Indians, warred against the factions in the Mexican-American civil war, born on the backs of Black slaves, arising on the wings of injustices and inequalities, going through the civil wars to set the Blackman free, having survived not one but two World Wars, having borne ignorance to its citizens, endured the of civil protests for equal rights, have slain the just in their cause, denied Women equal rights, having created a one race dominance to subrogate all others and who said in their hearts that they are UNTOUCHABLE, finally was touched.
Those who have fought so diligently and vigilantly to right the wrongs, injustices, and inequalities amongst the inhabitants thereof, the generations behind them got to see firsthand one of the ugliest, forms of 'THE EVIL WE DO', ---TERROR. Let's examine this word for a moment. When you take away the letter 'T', you end up with the word ERROR. The Webster's dictionary defines this word as:
1. The state of believing what is untrue.
2. A wrong belief.
3. Something did, a mistake.
4. A transgression.
Given the world's history, there's not one Kingdom that has ever existed that did not evolve as a result of an error, however, to what degree we allow the error to manifest and or continue determines the effect it will have on our future. We have another error that has reared itself. I am not here to be politically correct, but there is an abomination ( an unforgivable SIN, calling it what it REALLY is ), that has taken root, planted a vile seed, and has grown and even been given a Legal right (as In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah), READ Romans 1:18-32, but what I want to point out is this Romans 1:26-27, " For this reason God gave them up to vile passions, For even the women exchanged the natural use for that which is against nature. Likewise, also men, leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving the penalty of their ERROR which is due. It's time to reverse this mistake. Cancel this forerunner to the one who will come to set up his Kingdom of the reign of the EVIL ONE. Coming from an era, when sexual permissiveness was a rule of thumb, minimum at best if any morality were there, was the thought, mentality, and actions of the day. In former times, girls were considered women at the time when their monthly began and were given to the first suitor who came along asking. Neither of which had a glimpse of the truth about relationships, marriage, or rearing children, as we were both children still ourselves. Much to our own dismay, he too was unsuitable for what was considered a marriage in that time frame, and so began a LEGACY of mental, verbal, and physical abuse. Because he too did not know. It's the story of the blind leading the blind. Society deemed the attitude that we as females were considered the property of our husbands. And good to serve in such a capacity. These three different categories of ERRORS, I have exemplified is pointing to one thing. CHARACTER, ' What CHARACTER am I.
We cannot begin to protest, proclaim or seek justice until we do some truthful examination of ourselves. What's wrong in the world today, is what's wrong within our homes, Families, and communities, and begins with the US.
On that fateful Tuesday in 2001. I was due to be at work at my usual time 06:00am, but for some reason, I choose to take my time to go in, normally, when I'm late I'm in a hurry to get myself together and go. I don't bother to take the time to watch the early morning news until I'm at work. But, this day I kept walking by looking at the T.V, so I am running late as the first new breaking news begins to flash. That the WTO has been attacked by a hijacked plane. I froze and ran back into the Living room to see, what would shock me, Flames protruding from a structurally sound building. I stood in disbelief at the images I was viewing. I stood there with my mouth hung open, in total denial of what I was seeing. The same one-word question playing out in my brain. WHY?
Shortly after that, I began praying for the victims and all who would suffer from this tragedy. For me it was the beginning of self-realization of my own faults and the start of a journey that continues to this day, to change the ERRORS within myself in order to begin a change in my family and community in order to make this a better day.
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